Multiplayer Installation Guide (Education Version)

The Schools Licence MultiPlayer needs to include the address of the network card of Mac or PC that it is running on. This is to enable the Multiplayer to run with out the need for an internet connection.

To obtain these, you will need to run a file included on the disc provided on each computer that you want to include as part of the license.

For Education users, downloads of the Mulitplayer software are available. Get the Windows installer. Get the Mac installer.

For Windows machines:

Copy the file getmyaddress-ipconfig.bat to the PC and double-click to run it.

Download getmyaddress-ipconfig.bat

It will create a file called something like "Showme-info-for-PC-WS123-G136FHC.txt".

For Macs:

Copy the file to the Mac and double-click to expand it to an application called "get-ip-address-for-Mac". Double-click that application and it will create a file called something like "Showme-info-for-Mac-room1-mac-mini.txt" in the home directory.


Please email each of the files back to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it so that the suitable license file can be sent to you.

Here are instructions on what to do next:

1. Make sure that any existing versions of the MultiPlayer has been uninstalled.

On Windows, you can do this using the "Add / Remove Programs" option in the Control Panel.

For Macs, simply delete the folder containing the MultiPlayer application. 

2. Install the MultiPlayer from the disc provided.

For Windows:

2.1 Make sure that you have QuickTime installed (version 7.5 or later).

2.2 Install the latest MultiPlayer from the disc supplied.

2.3 Install the MultiPlayer.

Run the file MP12-18.msi which will install into

C:\Program Files\smhtp\MultiPlayer12-18

2.4 Install the properties and license files.

Download the files sent via email e.g.(MP-license-Any-High-School.txt and MP-props.txt) and copy them to directory C:\Program Files\smhtp\MultiPlayer12-18

2.5 Run the MultiPlayer

The installer will have added a shortcut in Start / All Programs.

You can also start the MultiPlayer by double-clicking on MultiPlayer.exe

in C:\Program Files\smhtp\MultiPlayer12-18

It should play the rotating ShowMe logo.

If not, please make a careful note of the error and send it to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

For Mac OS X

2.1 QuickTime is already installed. Check that it is version 7.5 or above.

2.2 Copy the file to the Mac and double-click to expand.

It will create a folder called MultiPlayer12-18

Move the resulting folder to the Applications folder.

2.3 The MultiPlayer is now installed.

Don't try to run it yet, though !

2.4 Install the properties and license files.

Download the files sent via email e.g.(MP-license-Any-High-School.txt and MP-props.txt) and copy them to directory MultiPlayer12-18 (which you moved to the Applications folder)

2.5 Run the MultiPlayer

Double-clicking on MultiPlayer in folder MultiPlayer12-18.

(You may want to add a shortcut to MultiPlayer to the Dock)

It should play the rotating ShowMe logo.

If not, please make a careful note of the error and send it to ShowMe.

 3. (For both Mac and Windows)

Create a new directory (e.g. Documents / MultiPlayer-Tunes) and move the Multiplayer files from the disc there.

Note that Multiplayer files must NOT be shared between machines, as the MultiPlayer needs to write to them. If you share any of the files, they will almost certainly get corrupted.

If you need them on other machines, make local copies.

4. Play the downloaded tune.

There are 3 ways of doing this:

. From the MultiPlayer, choose "File / Play MultiPlay Video" and navigate to the directory containing the tune.

. While the MultiPlayer is running, drag the ".smhtpi" file into the main video window and it will start playing.

. Double-click on the ".smhtpi" file and it will run/switch to the MultiPlayer and play the tune.

If you have any problems along the way please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it